Heirloom Gold

Heirlooms are family treasures that have been passed down for generations. Many people have precious family jewellery that has been sitting in a box unused and unloved for years.

The beauty of gold is that it is one of the world's most recyclable metals. It can be melted down and reworked numerous times into new styles that can change to suit the client.

We think it's incredibly special to be able to use our goldsmithing skills in this way. Whether you are simply redesigning old unworn jewellery, or honouring a loved one, it is our privilege to be able to offer this to our clients.

Nicola works with heirloom gold on a case-by-case basis as not all pieces of jewellery are suitable to be recycled using our methods.

​Please get in touch to learn more about our process and to book an appointment with Nicola to have your heirloom jewellery assessed in person at our Toronto studio.